
Tote-ally Makeful

Adorable Tiny Totes

Jennifer Black

Whenever I’m crafting, it’s not uncommon for me to think to myself, “Can I make that smaller?”
That was my challenge for this project – make it smaller! But while making it small, still having even smaller details.
I had more ideas than I did totes but these were the only ones I managed to finish. Let your imagination run wild!
The hardest part of this project was stitching the patterns from the inside the tiny bags. Be careful and patient and it will turn out wonderfully.


  • tiny coloured canvas totes
  • felt
  • embroidery floss
  • stuffing
  • embellishments (example: eyes on the panda)

How to make it

Step 1: trace your tote on a piece of paper.
draw your template to fit the area decided.
cut out your paper template pieces.
trace the templates onto your felt (or other material).
cut out your felt pieces.

Step 2: if you are adding any details to your pieces, add them before you sew them to your tote.
examples: sewing on the eyes and nose on the panda, adding the cactus spikes, adding the details to the cloud and lightning.

Step 3: position the felt pieces on the tote and pin them in place.
sew the pieces on using the embroidery floss.
if you are stuffing the pattern to give it a 3D look, don't forget to leave a gap. push the stuffing in and manipulate it until it is sitting how you want it. continue stitching to close it up.

Step 4: revel in the adorableness of your awesome customized tote.


Jennifer Black

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ALSO BY Jennifer

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