
Geometric Shapes from Jennifer Black

Paint Chip Tessellation

Jennifer Black

Displaying a piece of art is an easy way to add a splash of personality to a room. Even better when you can make it yourself!
And when you make it yourself, you can customize your art piece to match any colour palette.
This is a super fast and easy project for artists for all abilities and age and the end product is very chic.


  • picture frame
  • paint chips
  • craft punch
  • glue
  • scissors
  • ruler

How to make it

Step 1: Gather your materials.
I got my picture frame from the dollar store.
Paint chips can be obtained from your local big box hardware store.
The craft punch isn't required but it makes things so much easier! I used a 1.5" hexagon punch from Fiskars. If you don't have a punch, you can make a template for your tessellation shape from stiff cardboard.
My favourite glue for crafting is a UHU Stic.

Step 2: Punch out the tessellation shape from the paint chips.
(Or trace the template onto the paint chips and cut them out.)

Step 3: Glue the shapes to the backing piece.
A tessellation has no overlaps and no gaps so make sure the pieces have all edges touching.
The placement of the colours on mine is random but there are endless colour options that you could try - a gradient would look really cool!

Add a three dimensional element to you piece.
Instead of using scrapbooking foam mounting pieces, I just use kids craft foam sticker shapes.

Step 5: Admire!


Jennifer Black

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ALSO BY Jennifer

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